Tag Archives: Church Teachings

New Post – “The False Prophet of the Church”

Okay, faithful readers, this is a biggie. Normally, when I post on my other blog, I just say that it is available if you should be so inclined.

However, for this post, I am going to ask that all my readers make time to go to the blog and read it. Well, my Christian readers, that is. After all, my other blog is where I write about biblical topics, etc.

The reason that I am asking you to either go there and read now, or to bookmark it and make time this week, is because I learned something that is absolutely mind-boggling to me: that the Jews were blameless in rejecting the Jesus that the Church presented to them. As I explain in the article, I am not denying the divinity of Jesus, that he was God’s Messiah.

Not at all.

Instead, I learned that because of the false teachings about Jesus, the Church presented a false Messiah, according to God’s own Word.

Please, please, please, take the time to read the article. If you are a regular Christian reader, you know that this is out of character for me, so you know that I believe that this is important information. My post can be found at:

The False Prophet of the Church

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Filed under Christian Beliefs, CSL On The Bible, Theology Stuff

Reader Response: Help for the Truly P*ssed

readers respond

In my last post, I stated the obvious, in that I am not that good with the Kleenex and crumpets, that I am not really that swift as a counselor. Yes, I can give you common-sense thoughts, but that doesn’t mean that I have a shingle hanging outside my door. With that caveat, I want to address a recent comment that was made on one of my Ugly posts. I will try and address this husband’s issues, and (fingers crossed) hope that I help him and others who are in his situation. (Using my s.o.p., I address paragraphs as they come.)

This husband wrote:

Our problem starts with number one. What am I supposed to do when God (I should say church) IS the problem?

Answered in my post The Church and Your Marriage: What Could Go Wrong? First off, of course, God isn’t the problem. Men and women and their distortion of God’s word is the problem. In essence, my answer is three-fold.  Continue reading

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Filed under Marriage, Marriage & Sexuality

The Church and Your Marriage. What Could Go Wrong?

readers respond

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve gone down the road of a personal rant, but a recent comment by a husband who feels somewhat abused by our feminized church culture has me turning to the dark side of the Curmudgeonly Force.

In the back and forth to my Reset #3 post, I responded to a reader’s comment by saying that a refused husband needs to take action in his marriage, and not let things coast along in a sexless marriage. I made the statement that the husband in a situation where the wife insists that he needs to move first should say “This is not a negotiation. Yes, it is my duty to meet your emotional need for connection, but by the same token it is your duty to meet my need for connection, as well. You have to be willing to step up.” Continue reading


Filed under Christian Beliefs, CSL On The Bible, Marriage & Sexuality

“Lawless Christians?, part 3” [link]

There is a new post on my other blog, CSL On The Bible, should you be so inclined…

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Filed under Christian Beliefs, CSL On The Bible, Theology Stuff

Bad Teaching: Women Rule, Men Drool, part 3


bad teachingThis is the last of a three-part series; here are the links to part 1 and part 2.


In my first post in this series, I presented the possibility (probability?) of a wide-spread acceptance in the Christian church of the idea that women are more godly, holy and spiritual than men, and included quotes from others who said that they have bumped up against the idea. I posited that this assumption might be a reason for the disconnect between men and the Church, and presented findings from a Pew Research study showing that, of all the world’s religions, Christianity is the only one with a greater female membership.

My second post explored material that showed that the presumption of a female-superiority teaching is actually quite possible and that there is a very good likelihood that this teaching is at the root of much of the dysfunction that troubles today’s church. Continue reading


Filed under Culture, Marriage & Sexuality, Theology Stuff

Bad Teaching: Women Rule, Men Drool, part 2

bad teaching

This is the second of a three-part series: here are the links to part 1 and part 3.

In my last post I presented the idea that, contrary to the teachings of the Bible, today’s church had somehow gotten hold of the idea that women were superior to men and without sin. I admit that it is a novel idea to articulate, but since it seems that this is held as truth by more than a few Christians (however tacitly), this seems like a good time to bring the teaching out into the light of day and examine it.

I cited several writers who have suggested that they have come across the concept in their interactions but didn’t give any particulars or examples, other than to comment that they have observed evidence that it is held by some Christians. While it might be difficult to find a teacher or preacher who openly avows support for such a belief, I did cite a study by the Pew Research group that might demonstrate the results of such a teaching being promulgated. In that first post, I included the Pew Research chart that showed that in all branches of Christianity (save the Orthodox branch) women outnumber men as adherents. The chart further showed that every other major religion has more male adherents than women, leaving Christianity as… Continue reading


Filed under Culture, Marriage & Sexuality, Theology Stuff

Bad Teaching: Women Rule, Men Drool, part 1

bad teaching

This is the first of a three-part series: here are the links to part 2 and part 3.

We have a problem in the church. It appears that nearly one-half of the church is made up of carnal, fleshly-minded people whose only thoughts are with satisfying their appetites, and have no desire nor ability to truly seek after God. They hide behind a facade of Christianity but, in fact, are incapable of self-control and are unable to submit to the direction of the Holy Spirit and pursue spiritual goals.

I can only be speaking, of course, about husbands, for it is well-known that wives are more spiritual, more holy and more godly than any ordinary man could possibly be. I know, I know; in the past, I’ve said that there are two sinners in every marriage, but today, I repent of such drollery. I have seen the error of my ways. Continue reading


Filed under Culture, Marriage & Sexuality, Theology Stuff

The Church and Porn, part 3


This is the last of a three-part series: here are the links to part 1 and part 2.

Okay, to summarize my two previous posts: Paul Byerly, of Generous Husband, started a discussion among CMBA bloggers about pornography and the efficacy of the Church’s response. This is something I’ve been thinking about, and so did my first post on making the main thing the main thing, and not wandering off on crusades. My second post was a brief (for me, anyway) look at some examples of how Christians have affected society in the past.

Today, I want to try to tie those two posts together in a suggestion/rant (take your pick.) Continue reading


Filed under Christian Beliefs, Marriage & Sexuality

The Church and Porn, part 1


This is the first of a three-part series: here are the links to part 2 and part 3.

This is going to be another departure from what I usually try to address on my blog, but I want to respond to something that Paul Byerly asked of the members of the Christian Marriage Bloggers Assn. Without giving the text, I will say that Paul B. wrote of his concern about the damage that pornography is doing to marriages in our country, and asked if the Church’s message and approach in responding to porn should be changed. Continue reading


Filed under Marriage & Sexuality